How to use your story to build a six figure income.
Learn how to connect your experiences and expertise with others to create raving fans and customers that turn into a highly enjoyable and profitable stream of income.
Get your hands on this framework now.
Whether you are a thought leader, service based entrepreneur, author, speaker, coach or consultant this framework will work for you.
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Learn how to make money in 2022 by inspiring your audience, attracting your ideal clients and customers and selling your unique solution.
This video series will show you the elements of a framework that every six and seven entrepreneurs use to become successful in their industry.
Whether you are a thought leader, service based entrepreneur, author, speaker, coach or consultant this framework will work for you.
Get your hands on this framework now.
BTW, this isn't some PDF or download you’ll need to figure out on your own.
You will watch training videos from a recorded live workshop, with examples, stories, highlights and action steps that will leave you confident to take the needed and necessary steps to make six figures sharing your story.
Before you sign up for this free training, decide now that you will watch, learn and engage!

Here’s what people who attended this LIVE workshop said about the experience:
I’ve traveled to New York to do an Anthony Robbins Firewalk. I’ve gone to DC to hear Oprah talk about Living Your Best Life. I’ve flown to the Gates Foundation to attend a “Giving Circle” Symposium for founders nationwide.
You knocked this out of the park Darieth. It was time well spent - Thank You! Truly anyone, no matter their stage in career or life, could benefit from this workshop. A Gift when someone like you and your speakers share their brilliance!
Kudos to your team Darieth!! Well done across the board!
Debra Dion Krischke
Darieth, I left this (yesterday's) experience empowered and realigned with my God purpose. I recently turned 64 and the "I wish I'd done this differently," had become my mantra. I was re-energized when you shared your mission to help women my age. Thanks for an awesome session.
Sharon Jenkins
Darieth, You are simply Amazing!!! I'm so charged and ready to MOVE! Today's session has helped me immensely. My problem is not fear, lack of confidence, or the inability to speak, I just need to know where to start. I'm sitting on the ledge ready to jump. I just don't know what direction to jump in first.
Now, once I solidify my plan and roadmap, I won't have a problem staying focused to follow it. I stumbled across you on FB just as covid19 hit. I know it was ordained by God. I believe our introduction was for such a time as this. I've been waiting for the right person with the right integrity, knowledge and desire to cross my path, and here you are. Like most, I have had a horrific 2020 and have been praying for a 2021 breakthrough. I believe you were Heaven sent for me.
I appreciate and value your personal touch. I was shocked when I signed up and reached out to you and you personally took my call while you were on a walk, assisted me, followed up and most of all made me feel like a human being and not a commodity. Thank You for that!
I am charged, energized, and working on a plan to be able to financially invest in myself as I invest in you being my coach.
Michelle Simpson
Thank you so much for introducing me to this wonderful workshop! You my friend are a powerhouse! AMAZING! I really gained a lot of insight from listening, taking notes, reflecting and thinking out of the box! I loved the 6-figure story-teller circles (it HELPED)!
The speakers were phenomenal and gave me a lot to think about and how I want to take the next steps. I really do appreciate you and everything you do for women. YOU ROCK!
Gauthami Vemula
What a great workshop! I can't believe how enlightened I feel at the moment. Butterflies in my stomach! It's been awhile since I felt that! The 4 hours flew by. I want more! Lol!
Thank you for bringing a power packed session with much more than I expected. Today I received a boost of motivation to get up and do something. To not be afraid to answer the call and have something to say! I AM WORTHY and what I have been gifted to share with the world matters.
Darieth! Blown away by where you took the workshop. Getting to the point, I’d like to know more about your coaching, how you can help me to help my clients and getting started for 2021. Thank you for the platform! I’ll book with you ASAP!
Phyliss Taylor
So why should you spend time watching this recording on storytelling and the power of your story?
Let’s close the gap together...
Get started now with this Free video series to learn how.
I’ll see you on the inside.
More about who’s running this show.

I’m a two-time Emmy award winning TV Host, 30 year TV news anchor, TEDx presenter, author, award winning filmmaker, and life and business coach.
I’ve scaled my online coaching business to seven figures using the art and business of storytelling and public speaking and have helped thousands of clients get seen, get heard and get paid through my various courses and programs.
I could go on about how I turned my personal mess into my message and launched a global social justice movement, garnering international recognition for my ground-breaking work for victims of revenge porn and cyber bullying.
I could tell you about the nearly 600 stages and platforms I’ve spoken on and the many interviews I’ve secured in the media from the Megyn Kelly Show to Dr. Oz, to numerous magazine and podcast features.
You could watch me on The Discovery Channel and Science Channel hosting Tomorrow’s World Today telling the stories of leaders in innovation, technology and science.
I could tell you about all the things I’ve endured from growing up poor and extremely shy, to divorce, major surgery… not to mention a 3-year drama that left me devastated, humiliated, and nearly wiped out financially after 11 months in court (I call this period in my life 50 Shades of Silence. It’s now an award-winning documentary).
Storytelling is at the heart of what I’ve spent my entire life doing and I’ll proudly proclaim myself the expert.
But this isn’t about me.
It’s about you and how you are going to finally inspire your audience, leverage your story, attract your ideal clients and customers and soar through to six-figures and beyond!