Focus leads to flourishing. {Backstage with Darieth}

backstage newsletter Sep 15, 2020

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Volume 15 | September 15, 2020


The past month has been one of the busiest and at the same time the most liberating months I’ve had in a long time! As I write this newsletter from my hotel in Brattleboro, Vermont  I’m reminded of just how deliberate and focused I’ve been about living my life just as I’ve designed it! … in every aspect.

The past few weeks I’ve been on-location filming for the TV show Tomorrow’s World Today for season three on Discovery and Science Channels. One of my followers on Instagram commented “one moment you’re a speaking and media coach in Detroit, and the next thing I know, you’re off gallivanting through corn fields and doing a film about boutique whiskeys!” 

I had to laugh as I read that comment. For some people the variety of my life could be overwhelming, but for me I’m fiercely focused on making sure I live my life to the fullest, anchored by my desire to keep things interesting!

On another note, I liberated myself from the idea that my hair has to be straight while on camera. For the first time in all my years of television … I’m going natural! Being that most of my career has been in front of the camera, my life has revolved around when I’m getting “my hair done.”

Let me tell you this… there’s so much freedom in going natural! Once I gave myself permission to embrace this aspect of beauty, I felt amazing! Now I’m in search of the perfect natural hair products for my curls. 

To my natural sisters - what are you using to keep your locks healthy, shiny and soft?

Hit reply, let me know and say hello!  



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Hanging out on the Bourbon Trail in Kentucky learning how Bourbon and Whiskey are made!

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An impromptu day trip to Sedona to relax during filming with Tomorrow’s World Today

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Wearing my natural hair on-camera during filming!

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Focus leads to flourishing.

Oftentimes when people are told to focus it creates a resistance in their spirit. Many people equate focus with hard work. But the truth is that focus is saying YES to what you want. It’s getting clear on your desires and staying fixated on them. Focus means living your life with intention and saying NO to distraction. 

Focus is how you flourish in your life and your business. Since 2020 has been a challenging year for so many of us, how can you eliminate the distractions and incorporate more focus into your life?


I’m currently reading The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan and it fits in perfectly with this month’s theme for me of FOCUS! The book talks about how by focusing on One Thing we can create more. More productivity from your work. More income for a better lifestyle. More satisfaction from life, and more time for yourself, your family, and your friends. It’s really a powerful book and worth checking out!


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The All Rise Retreat is returning on October 31st-November 1st! It’s time to come together for a virtual, yet powerfully connected weekend of community! These intimate events are for women who are ready to develop their signature story and learn the art of storytelling. There’s still time to register:



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I’ve filmed all the video tutorials for you on how to leverage speaking and storytelling in order to grow your brand and business. From turning your mess into your message and sharing your story, to more technical things like the types of public speakers and how to create a speaker one sheet. Head on over to YouTube and binge watch now!



I absolutely love private 1:1 coaching. It’s one of the best feelings in the world getting to participate in someone else rising up and stepping into their power.

That said, I only have so many hours in my day and thousands of lives that I want to touch through my work. 

Can you relate?

There comes a time for those of us who want to impact and serve on a grander scale that we need to find ways to incorporate group programs and grow our audience in real, sustainable and scalable ways.

Enter Megan Huber. Megan is known as the Business Acceleration Mentor and she helps coaches transition from a one-on-one coaching practice to a leveraged model based on high ticket group programs to the tune of multiple six figures a year.

Megan has 16 years of teaching experience, and was the former Director of an international coaching and online training company where she helped launch, develop and run multi-million dollar coaching programs.

This month in Speak. Serve. Soar Members Academy, Megan will be presenting on how to use the power of Facebook groups to launch and leverage your high ticket group programs. 

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In Megan’s training you will learn:

  • Best practices to transition from a predominantly one-on-one business model to a group model that can scale at a sustainable pace over the long-term.
  • How to grow, lead and cultivate a highly engaged online community of loyal fans who become soulmate clients and keep coming back to you for more
  • The full blueprint of the Launching Made Easy Framework so you can eliminate the barriers to filling your group programs without having to rely strictly on overwhelming technology or complex funnels
  • How to position yourself as the go-to leader in your field and consistently rock out your launches with an organic approach that won’t leave you exhausted
  • Sales conversion strategies that will increase the number of ideal clients who say YES to joining your’ll never have a launch that bombs again!

If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level with scalable high ticket group programs then join us in Speak. Serve. Soar Members Academy this month.

 Join right here.



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I’ve helped many of my private coaching clients leverage their story and develop a powerful business strategy for messaging, marketing and making money as a speaker.

I want to make my services more accessible and open the door up for more women. 

I’ve created an accelerated mentorship that is more affordable and is designed to get you quick wins, and help you to increase your confidence and clarity that you can position yourself as an expert and public speaker. You will learn a simple lead magnet and easy funnel strategy, create your speaking collateral, design and deliver your unique IP Intellectual Property (your course, program, membership etc). How to get visibility and exposure on other platforms, (media for your message) and most importantly how to bring money in the door (more paying clients and customers).

This program is for professional women who are ready to be resourceful, decisive and take action.

Sound like something you would be interested in?

Book a call with me here:



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50% Complete

Two Step

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