Listen to your inner guide {Backstage with Darieth}

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2020

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Volume 13 | July 17, 2020


Wow, there’s a lot to catch you up on this month. Because amidst all the challenges and setbacks of the past 4 months, I’ve found my groove, re-evaluated what’s important in my life and am taking the necessary steps to move closer towards a life of love, family and deeper connection.

For me, this looks like a big move back to my hometown of Detroit to be near my family - I went house hunting last week and found a beautiful new home that I can’t wait to move into sometime before the end of the year! (Look out Detroit!)

It also looks like restarting my in-person retreats in Florida (safety being paramount of course!) so I can stay solid in my commitment to helping women learn how to tell their stories and master the art and business of storytelling and public speaking. I held my first speaker retreat in months this past weekend in Fort Myers and it was a beautiful time to be in community with other women. Pics below!

Plus there are so many exciting things in the books for me in the upcoming months and so much to celebrate... from being accepted into multiple film festivals for my 50 Shades of Silence documentary to being in California filming a new TV show for the Discovery and Science Channels and Amazon Prime Video! I’m giving you all the details below and in the months to come.



P.S. I know it’s hard for so many of us to concentrate in these challenging times, but the world still needs your story. If now feels like the time to get the support you need to stay focused and leverage your story for business then, book a time to chat with me here.

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House hunting in Detroit with my family!

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Hosting the All Rise Storytelling Retreat in Fort Myers this weekend!

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Traveling to California to film Tomorrow’s World Today. I’ll be featured in the new episodes this season. Here are some behind the scene pics.

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Listen to your inner guide.

Have you ever had your eyes so firmly set on a vision and then been surprised to learn that your heart has a different plan for you? Sometimes even our best made plans need redirection when our inner wisdom says so. For the past year I’ve been making plans to move to the east coast of Florida to be in the Miami area, but during this time of COVID my inner guide told me that was not the right move for me to make. So after years of physical distance from my family I am being guided home to Detroit. When my inner guide speaks, I listen.


Are you listening to your inner guide? Are you able to shift directions when the information you receive is different to your plans? Try this month to slow down and pay attention to what your true desires are. Listen to what your heart says, while tuning out any resistance, worry, doubts or fears. Anything is possible and knowing this...makes this true!



I am really excited to be a contributing author for Love Letters to My Girls, a book compiled by Dr. Cherita Weatherspoon and featuring over 100 black women who write stories and share lessons for other black women and girls. The book shares an empowering message with black women around the world and incites a revolution of love within our sisterhood. It will be available for purchase in the fall but in the meantime you can still get on the waitlist at

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It's a dream come true that my documentary has been accepted to screen in family and friends get to sit in a theater with me.  (That is if COVID doesn’t wreck another plan). It’s the greatest feeling in the world when your hard work pays off and your team is celebrated for all the hard work, long hours and commitment! If you’re in Detroit and want to attend a screening you can find out more info and stay on top of scheduling here:

PLUS, the Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival is fast approaching and guess what? 50 Shades of Silence is screening there too! Find more details here:

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My next live training is scheduled for July 21st at 7pm EST! During this webinar we'll be talking about how to leverage your signature story to have booking agents excited about choosing you, how to use offstage strategies to ensure on-stage success, and how to greatly accelerate your speaking business success using the power of publicity!



Unlock your feminine power this month!

What does creating the love that you desire have to do with creating the business you desire? It’s a great question and one that we are diving into this month in Speak Serve Soar Members Academy with Lauren Joyce.

Lauren is the top sex, love and relationship expert for leaders and visionaries and founder of The Magnetic Woman. She helps women tap into their feminine magnetism, feel confidently sexy and create passionate partnerships. Lauren’s short course, “Magnetic Confidence: Unlock your feminine power to attract clients, opportunities AND love!” will teach you how to : 

  • Shift your mindset to be more magnetic to clients.
  • You will learn the power of your Feminine and how to open up your ability to receive more.
  • And you will learn the connection between creating the love that you desire and the business that you desire.

If you’re ready to magnetize clients, opportunities and love then sign up for a Speak. Serve. Soar membership right here.



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If you are an author, speaker, coach, activist or consultant who dreams of being an influencer and making a greater impact helping others to live their best lives, I’ve got options for you. I’m here to help you build the life and business of your dreams! 

Click here to schedule a complimentary discovery session with me.



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